Kőkapui Károlyi-vadászkastély udvarán faragott szobrok állnak
Mint a hutákról elnevezett települések többsége, Kishuta is a 18. században jött létre szlovák nemzetiségű üveghuta-munkások településeként. Elsőként 1792-ben említik Nova Huta néven. Nevét a Sompatak mellett épült üveghutáról kapta.1863-ban Sompatak-Kishuta a neve, 1905 óta hivatalosan Kishuta.
Village with 413 inhabitants in the northern part of the Zemplén Mountains. Village founded by the estate of Regéc, for the production of glass materials for buildings in the estate in the early 18th century. Since 1851 it is called Kishuta. Lying on the route of the of the countrywide Bue Tour the village is in a strictly preserved nature conservation area.
Village with 413 inhabitants in the northern part of the Zemplén Mountains. Village founded by the estate of Regéc, for the production of glass materials for buildings in the estate in the early 18th century. Since 1851 it is called Kishuta. Lying on the route of the of the countrywide Bue Tour the village is in a strictly preserved nature conservation area.
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