2009. március 21., szombat


A vizsolyi templom egyszerű fehér ruhában

A középkorban jelentős hellyé vált Vizsoly. Növekedése, gyarapodása amellett, hogy királyi birtok volt, annak tulajdonítható, hogy itt vezetett át a Kassára, Lengyelországba és Oroszországba menő legfontosabb kereskedelmi útvonal (via regia).

Kiemelkedő birtokosa volt Vizsolynak Rákóczi Zsigmond (1544-1608) a Rákóczi-dinasztia alapítója.
1941-ben a templom környékén végzett ásatások során középkori freskókat fedeztek fel. A református egyház ajándékba kapott egy eredeti példányt a vizsolyi bibliából.

The oldest church in Vizsoly is the reformed church from the Árpád-age, which is squattish and puritan outside. It has a squared layout based on its 3 space-units: the steeple, nave and sanctuary. Its hidden axle connected to the sanctuary is half-bowed. It must have already been built in 1220 according to the documents, which are talking about "church Vizsoly". The church was in the property of Catholics at the very beginning but from the middle of the 16th century, it became the place of the reformed worships. There were smaller modifications on the building during the centuries. Its greatest donation was during the last restoration when the murals were revealed from the middle ages. These murals have been considered as the great national heritage of us and these are showed to the pilgrims who visit the cradle of the Bible of Carol. At the same time we are to protect them for the future generation

Vizsoly had already been the seat of the Queen and of the jurisdiction in the 12th century due to the fact that it was the meeting place of the trade ways at that time, where even Aba Amádé palatine and Perényi Miklós judged. Vizsoly was titled as market town in the middle ages. This rank can be thanked for the importance of the bridge, built on the Hernád, for the passageway to Kassa, Poland and Russia and for the two-ways directing into the Zemplén mountains. We can find among its holders such important names as Rákóczy Zsigmond, the funder of Rákóczy dynasty, the determined Turkish-fighter, Mágocsy, and the families of Semsey and Keglevich. The walk in Vizsoly is still reviving on its tided streets and intimate main-square. The village plays an important role among the settlements around due to its central role of institutional and infrastructural development.

Vizsolyi (Károli) Biblia
Károli Gáspár, gönci református lelkész nem csupán fordítója, hanem egyben gondozója-szerkesztője, sajtó alá rendezője, kiadója is volt ennek a Bibliának.

A Biblia címlapja "nyomtattatott Mantskovit Bálint által", mely 2412 oldalon kb. 800 példányban másfél év alatt készült el. Súlya kb. 6 kg, 52 fennmaradt példányról tudunk, közülük 24 országhatárainkon kívül van. Egy eredeti példány látható a vizsolyi templomban is. Az Európa Kiadó Magyar Helikon osztálya 1981-ben külön e célra készített papíron kiadta hasonmás kiadásban a Vizsolyi Bibliát, ezzel is méltatva e könyv irodalomtörténeti és nyomdatörténeti jelentoségét.

A Vizsolyi Biblia messze túlnő a református egyház keretein. Ezzel a munkával Károli maga is "Isten egyházára ... minden keresztyén olvasóra" gondolt. Így ír elkészült munkájáról: "... szabad mindenkinek az Isten házába ajándékot vinni. Egyebek vigyenek aranyat, ezüstöt, drágaköveket, én azt viszem, amit vihetek, tudniillik magyar nyelven az egész Bibliát".

Hogy a magyarság, a magyar nyelv minden viszontagság és ellenkező jóslás ellenére megmaradt "a magyar nép zivataros századaiban", többek között a Vizsolyi Bibliának köszönhetjük.
One of the original edition of the Bible of Vizsoly can be seen in the reformed church. Original...Your heart just pumps, your fantasy began to dream up and You began to think of the pupils on foot or by carriage who were taking the papers from Göncz to Vizsoly to the press, the translated sheets of the Holy Bible, and the first printed editions back day by day. We can mention the name of Szenczi Molnár Albert among the handwriting carrying pupils, who writes about these years later in the following way: "and I was working at the foot of that straight, honest man, Caroli Gaspar, of that preacher from Vizsoly"
This was the way how the first Holy Bible in Hungarian was created and in 1590 the first full edition appeared. This book was the only Hungarian classic, masterpiece during the centuries for thousands of people.

Rákóczi Zsigmond brought the typographer, Mankovits Bálint, together with his workshop to the village. Characters were transported from Germany and paper from Poland. So, the first wholly Bible in Hungarian language could become a prominent, world-famous major achievement of the national literature - and printing history.
There is an exhibition about the latest editions of the bible of Carol in the church. The Bibles were made between the years 1608 and 2006 in different European presses: in Hannua, Várad (Oradea), Kolozsvár(Cluj), Kassel, Pozsony and Budapest.
The newest printed Bible is always changed to the oldest edited one, calling the attention to the fact that the Bible is not an object from an exhibition case of the museums, but the God's, still today living and operating, words.

forrás: vizsoly.hu

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