2009. április 27., hétfő
Nemzeti Színház - Building of the National Theatre
2009. április 26., vasárnap
Gellért-hegy, Citadella - Gellért hill and Citadella
235 m magas hegy kedvelt kirándulóhely, mely történelmi és természeti értékekben egyaránt bővelkedik.
Gellért hill is one of the most characteristic sights of Budapest, to say nothing of the fact that one of the most beautiful views over the capital opens from here. The 235-metre-high hill which is situated in the 11th district of the city, is a popular beauty spot, which is abound in both historical and natural values.
A Gellért-hegyen található a Citadella, sorsa az 1848-49-es forradalomhoz köthető. Az erőd 1850-54 között épült Julius Haynau parancsára, azzal a céllal, hogy innen tartsák megfigyelés alatt a város és a lázadozó magyarokat. A 220 méter hosszú, 12-16 méteres falmagasságú Citadella katonai jellege 1897-re megszűnt, falának egy részét jelképesen le is bontották.
The Citadel, one of the most famous historical monuments found on Gellért hill, can be connected to the Hungarian Revolution of 1848-49. The fortress was built after the revolution was put down, between 1850-54 by order of Julius Haynau, with the purpose of keeping an eye on the city and the rebelling Hungarians. The fortress character of the 220 m long, 12-16 m high Citadel ended by 1897, a part of its wall was symbolically demolished, too.
The other significant historical sight and monument, the Statue of Liberty raise s monument to the memory of the liberation from Nazi rule. The statue erected in 1947 depicts a woman holding a palm branch in her arms raised. The statue itself is 14 m high, however together with the pedestal it reaches 40metres. The statue of Liberty is a work of Zsigmond Kisfaludyi Stróbl.
The secessionist Hotel Gellért, found at the foot of Freedom bridge, and Gellért bath built together with it provide an especially beautiful sight at night due to the illumination
2003 áprilisában adták át. Az épület és a térarchitektúra tervezője Dévényi Sándor.
Szent István király szobra. (Alkotó:Kő Pál)
2009. április 23., csütörtök
Megyeri híd or Megyeri Bridge
A híd tervezése 1993-ban kezdődött. A statikai terveket Hunyadi Mátyás, míg a részletterveket Kisbán Sándor készítette. Benczur László állította össze a híd építész terveit. Az építését 2006-ban kezdték. Az új hidat 2008. szeptember 30-án adták át
The Megyeri Bridge, previously known as the Northern M0 Danube bridge, is a cable-stayed bridge that spans the River Danube between Buda and Pest, respectively the west and east sides of Budapest, the capital of Hungary. It is a very important section of the M0 ringroad around Budapest.
It was officially opened on September 30, 2008, however, the National Transport Authority of Hungary has only issued a temporary permission because of the disagreement of the suburban cities surrounding the bridge. It has received much media attention due to the naming poll started to name the bridge.
Lágymányosi híd or Lágymányosi Bridge
It is named after the south Buda district of Lágymányos. This bridge is the southernmost and the second newest public bridge in the capital; it was inaugurated in 1995.
2009. április 22., szerda
Árpád Bridge or Árpád híd
It is the northernmost public bridge of the capital and the longest bridge in Hungary, spanning about 2 km (1.24 mi) with the sections leading up to the bridge, and 928 m (0.58 mi) without them. It is 35.3 m (116 ft) wide with pedestrian and bicycle paths.
Construction began in 1939 by the plans of János Kossalka. It was planned to be named "Árpád Bridge" after Grand Prince Árpád, the second Grand Prince of the Magyars.
Due to World War II, the bridge was finished only after the war in 1950. Because of the communist regime then ruling Hungary, the bridge was opened as Stalin Bridge (Hungarian: Sztálin híd). The final construction works were directed by Károly Széchy and Pál Sávoly.
The name was changed back to Árpád Bridge in 1958.
Petőfi híd or Petőfi Bridge
foto: net
Petőfi híd or Petőfi Bridge (named after Sándor Petőfi, old name is Horthy Miklós Bridge, named after governor Horthy Miklós) is a bridge in Budapest, connecting Pest and Buda across the Danube. It is the second southernmost public bridge in Budapest.
Margit híd or Margaret Bridge (sometimes Margit Bridge)
Előtte a folyam, az új híd,
Még rajta zászlók lengenek:
Ma szentelé fel a komoly hit
S vidám zenével körmenet
Nyeré "Szűz-Szent-Margit" nevet.
(Arany János: Híd-avatás 1877)
Érdekesség, ha megfigyeljük a hídközepet és a Margit-szigetet összekötő szakaszt és képzeletben az útpályát tartó szerkezetet tükrözzük az útpálya felé, akkor kirajzolódik előttünk az elfektetett Eiffel-torony képe.
It was planned by the French engineer Ernest Goüin and built by his construction company, Maison Èmile Gouin (at present ‘’Société de constructions de Batignolles’’) between 1872-1876, the engineer in charge being Èmile Nouguier. Margaret Bridge is the second permanent bridge in Budapest after the Széchenyi Chain Bridge. This bridge leads up to Margaret Island, its two parts enclosing 165 degrees with each other at the embranchment towards the island. The reason for this unusual geometry lies in the fact the small extension to connect the Margaret Island was hastily inserted into the original design, but not built until two decades later due to lack of funds.
Erzsébet híd, Erzsébet Bridge or Elisabeth Bridge
A hídat 1945. január 18-án a németek felrobbantották. Ez az egyetlen budapesti híd, melyet nem lehetett rekonstruálni. 1960-64 között egy teljesen új, ún. kábelhidat építettek a régi pilléreire Sávoly Pál és csoportja tervei alapján, mely pontosan utánozza az eredeti híd ívét.
It is situated at the narrowest part of the Danube, the bridge spanning only 290 m. It is named after Queen Elisabeth, a popular queen and empress of Austria-Hungary, who was assassinated in 1898. The original permanent crossing, a decorative suspension bridge, was built between 1897 and 1903, amid a corruption scandal.. The original Erzsébet Bridge, along with many other bridges all over the country, was blown up at the end of World War II by retreating Wehrmacht sappers. This is the only bridge in Budapest which could not be rebuilt in its original form. The currently standing slender white cable bridge was built on the very same location between 1961–1964, because the government could not afford to construct entirely new foundations for the bridge. The main spar cables of the bridge are hexagonal in cross section, composed of thousands of elementary steel wires of seven different diametres, partly because early computers were unable to provide solution for a circular cross section main cable batch. The novel design, planned by Pál Sávoly, was a first in Central Europe and not without weaknesses. Tram traffic and its heavy tracks had to be removed from the bridge in 1973 after signs of cracks appeared in the structure.
Szabadság híd or Liberty Bridge
It is 333.6 m in length and 20.1 m in width. The top of the four masts are decorated with large bronze statues of the Turul, a falcon-like bird, prominent in ancient Hungarian mythology.
Északi Összekötő vasúti híd or Northern Railway bridge
A forgalomnak 1896. november 3-án adták át.
Hányatott sorsú hídunk építése tovább folytatódott.
A híd újjáépítését a Hídépítő Vállalat -építésvezető Petik Ernő - 1953 öszén, a felrobbantott mederpillér és hídfő helyreállításával kezdte meg, amelyet Larssen falakkal biztosítottak. A híd tervezője Schüller Frigyes volt. A mederhíd szerelését a MÁVAG 1954 tavaszán kezdte meg. 1954 nyarán a hídépítőknek a nyári nagy dunai árvízzel is meg kellett küzdeniük.
Lánchíd/Széchenyi Chain Bridge
Lánchíd ma
2009. április 20., hétfő
Lillafüredi tanösvény - Walk in Lillafüred
A tanösvény megállóhelyei: Anna-barlang, Palota Szálló, kisvasút állomás, Lourdesi-barlang, Limpiási kereszt, Sándor-forrás pihenőhely.
Lillafüred lies in the eastern part of the Bükk Mountains, on the border of the eastern edge of the Plateau and the north-eastern edge of the south-eastern Bükk, in the valley of the Szinva, at 300-350m above sea level. It is surrounded by the Szt. István (St. Stephen) peak (605m high) if approached from the formerly mentioned direction, and by the Fehérkô-lápa peak (587m) and the Jávor Mountain (626m high) if approached from the latter direction. At its northern end, under Hotel Palota (Hotel Palace), where the valleys of the Szinva and the Garadna meet leaving the Hámori Lake, it borders on Felsô-Hámor (Upper Hámor).